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Almaty Residents Unite to Provide Humanitarian Aid for Flood Victims

in Society / Kazakhstan - by

In response to the recent floods, a humanitarian aid collection point has been set up in Almaty to assist those affected. The initiative will first support residents of Uralsk and Aktobe regions. Volunteers and compassionate citizens are actively contributing to the cause at the community center on Baytursynov Street. Donations of food, water, medicine, clothing, hygiene products, and other essentials are pouring in.

The outpouring of support has been overwhelming, with over 100 kilograms of powdered milk, 200 kilograms of food, 30 thermoses, and more than 50 bags of clothing already collected. The efforts are focused on regions facing the most urgent needs, as transportation challenges hinder traditional aid delivery methods.

Entrepreneurs were among the first to step up, donating diapers and baby food. Many donors have chosen to remain anonymous, while notable figures like Kanat Tleumbetov, president of the Kazakhstan Combat Jiu-Jitsu Federation, have also joined the cause.

Residents from Almaty's surrounding areas have also come forward to offer assistance. Families like that of Aydin Zheksenbayev from Komsomol Village in the Ili District have donated unused items, emphasizing the importance of solidarity in times of crisis.

With 50 volunteers working tirelessly at the Almaty center, the community's response has been remarkable. Nurzhan Zhasuzakov, a 22-year-old volunteer, highlights the thorough screening process for incoming donations to ensure quality and appropriateness.

Amirkhan Hakimov, a 23-year-old volunteer, exemplifies the spirit of solidarity by lending a helping hand wherever needed. His dedication to volunteer work stems from a young age and a chance encounter that sparked his passion for giving back.

Across regions facing flood-related challenges, over 20,000 volunteers are actively involved in relief efforts. National Volunteer Network call centers have been established to coordinate aid distribution and volunteer deployment effectively.