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Volunteers in Kazakhstan Provide Humanitarian Aid to Flood Victims

in Society / Kazakhstan - by

The head of the Department of International Cooperation and Development of Volunteer Initiatives of the NGO "National Volunteer Network" Gulzhamila Kamarova briefed at the CCS on the work of volunteers and the collection of humanitarian aid for those affected by floods.

According to the speaker, there are 20 volunteer headquarters operating across the country. They provide and transmit up-to-date information to the population through call centers and coordinate volunteers in the regions. In the regions, humanitarian aid centers are open, where assistance is received, sorted, and sent to the areas affected by floods. In particular, over 550 tons of humanitarian aid have been collected, with about 370 tons already sent to the flood-affected zones," announced Gulzhamila Kamarova on April 8, 2024.

She highlighted that there are over 25,000 volunteers and volunteers from the local population working across Kazakhstan. In addition to collecting humanitarian aid, they also help provide hot meals for evacuated populations and rescue service personnel involved in rescue operations. Furthermore, they participate in various preventive measures: clearing snow from courtyards in settlements, providing medical supplies and essential items to the population. They also keep an eye on people living alone, including the elderly, in threatened areas," added Gulzhamila Kamarova.

On April 7, 2024, the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Kanat Bozumbaev, briefed at the CCS on when the flood peaks are expected in some regions.