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Tougher Laws to Ensure Women's Rights and Child Safety in Kazakhstan

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Kazakhstan has recently introduced amendments to the Administrative Offenses Code regarding the protection of women's rights and children's safety. The new law, signed by President Tokayev on April 15th, holds parents and legal guardians accountable for ensuring the safety of minors.

Under the new legislation, parents will face warnings or fines if their teenage children, aged 12 to 16, engage in bullying behavior. Repeat violations within a year could result in a 20-day administrative arrest. Moreover, a fine equivalent to 5 Monthly Calculation Indices (MCI) will be imposed for forcibly removing an unaccompanied child under 16 from public transport.

These laws, set to come into effect on June 16, 2024, aim to enhance the legal, economic, social, institutional, and organizational framework of the state's policy on women's rights and child safety. President Tokayev also signed two additional laws on the same day, further emphasizing Kazakhstan's commitment to protecting vulnerable groups in society.