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Bullying Legislation to Hold Aggressors Accountable in Kazakhstan from June 16, 2024

in Society / Kazakhstan - by

Starting from June 16, 2024, amendments to the legislation will come into effect in Kazakhstan, establishing accountability for systematic bullying. The punishment for aggressors varies depending on the consequences of their actions. The penalties range from a fine of 10 MRP for bullying to a 9-year term if the victim is driven to suicide.

In Kazakhstan, accountability for bullying will be introduced, initially only on an administrative level. On April 16, 2024, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Ensuring Women's Rights and Children's Safety" was published, signed by the head of state the day before. Specifically, Article 127-2 was added to the Code of Administrative Offenses, outlining the following provisions.

The term "bullying" first appeared in Kazakhstan's legislation back in 2022. Previously, it was not legally recognized, nor were there penalties for it. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of the Child" defined bullying as systematic actions of a humiliating nature, persecution, and intimidation aimed at forcing or refraining from certain actions.

The responsibility for bullying will now be enforced. The ability to draw up protocols on administrative offenses related to bullying will not only be with the police but also with the authorized body in the field of education. This includes representatives of territorial education authorities and the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When teenagers aged 16 to 18 engage in bullying, they will face a penalty of 10 MRP. If the bullying involves younger individuals from 12 to 16 years old, the fine of 10 MRP will be imposed on their parents for payment. There is no responsibility for aggressors under 12 years old, except for disciplinary measures.

For adults aged 18 and older involved in bullying, the initial penalty will be 10 MRP, increasing to 30 MRP for repeated offenses within a year. However, if the bullying leads to serious consequences, such as physical or psychological harm with special cruelty, the aggressors will face imprisonment from 4 to 7 years.

It is crucial to note that criminal liability for actions leading to suicide or torture only applies from the age of 16. Kazakhstan is moving towards zero tolerance for any form of violence against children.