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Champion of Trolleybuses: Atambaev Advocates for Bishkek's Public Transport Development

in Society / Kyrgyzstan - by

Kadyr Atambaev, the leader of the Social Democrats faction in the capital's city council, expressed his opinion on the future of trolleybuses in Bishkek. He emphasized the need to develop the trolleybus system rather than eliminate it. Atambaev pointed out that the city authorities had previously expressed intentions to phase out trolleybuses, and now serious plans are being made to replace them with electric buses by transforming the depots.

The plans to replace trolleybuses with electric buses have already incurred significant costs. In 2020, the funding allocated by the Asian Development Bank amounted to $50 million for the purchase of 100-120 electric buses along with charging stations. Atambaev highlighted the substantial price difference between purchasing trolleybuses in 2017 with funding from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the current procurement of electric buses.

Atambaev also raised concerns about the climatic conditions in the region affecting the efficiency of battery operation in electric buses, especially during harsh winters. He mentioned the challenges of lithium-ion battery disposal and the environmental risks associated with it. He argued that modern trolleybuses remain a more economical and practical solution compared to electric buses, considering the costs of purchase, maintenance, and infrastructure support.

The historical and cultural significance of the trolleybus system in Bishkek, established in 1946, was highlighted by Atambaev. He underscored that the trolleybuses not only serve as an eco-friendly and efficient mode of transportation but also represent a living symbol of the city's history and development.

Atambaev advocated for the revival and strengthening of the trolleybus network in Bishkek instead of investing in new types of transportation infrastructure. He referenced global examples like Prague, Baoding, Shanghai, and Beijing, where trolleybus systems are being restored and developed. He urged the municipality to reconsider the importance of preserving the trolleybus system as part of the city's cultural heritage.

The potential replacement of trolleybuses with electric buses poses a real threat that requires serious consideration, according to Atambaev. He called for a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the issue and opposition to the hasty elimination of trolleybuses. Atambaev concluded by emphasizing the importance of maintaining a reliable and accessible public transport system for the residents of Bishkek and advocating for the development of trolleybuses in the city.

Earlier, the Trolleybus Protection Initiative reported the looming threat of replacing trolleybuses with electric buses in Bishkek. Activists have initiated a petition to preserve the trolleybuses in the city.