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Tougher Road Safety Laws Coming into Effect from April 1, 2024

in Politics / Tajikistan - by

From April 1, 2024, amendments to the Federal Law "On Road Safety" will come into force in Russia. The changes will cover various aspects such as driver's license exams, stricter penalties for drunk driving, and more. This move aims to enhance road safety and reduce the number of accidents on the roads. The amendments are set to bring about significant improvements in ensuring the safety of all road users.

One of the key changes includes the revision of the driver's license exam process. The new requirements aim to ensure that only competent and responsible individuals are granted driving privileges. This is crucial in promoting safer and more responsible driving behavior among motorists.

Additionally, the amendments will introduce harsher penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol. This measure is essential in deterring individuals from engaging in such risky behavior, which poses a serious threat to the safety of all road users. By imposing stricter consequences for drunk driving, the law seeks to reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents on the roads.

Furthermore, the amendments will address other important aspects of road safety, aiming to create a more secure environment for both drivers and pedestrians. By implementing these changes, the authorities are taking proactive steps to improve road safety standards and protect the lives of all individuals on the roads.

Overall, the upcoming amendments to the Federal Law "On Road Safety" mark a significant milestone in enhancing road safety measures in Russia. The stricter regulations and penalties are expected to contribute to a safer and more secure road environment, ultimately reducing the number of accidents and saving lives. It is imperative for all motorists to familiarize themselves with the new laws and comply with the regulations to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road.