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EU High Representative Speaks Out on World Press Freedom Day

in Politics / Tajikistan - by

On World Press Freedom Day, celebrated today on May 3rd, the High Representative of the EU made a statement on behalf of the European Union:

"Every day, journalists and media workers bravely exercise their right to freedom of speech, often putting themselves at great risk. Independent, fact-based journalism helps safeguard our democracies by exposing injustices, holding leaders accountable, and enabling citizens to make informed decisions.

In 2024, when elections will take place in more than 60 countries, the work of journalists is more important than ever. On World Press Freedom Day, we pay tribute to their work and courage.

Such crimes should not go unpunished, wherever they occur. Journalists and media workers covering armed conflicts must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law.

The EU regrets the sharp increase in the number of journalists killed or injured while covering the devastating consequences of wars. Too many journalists have lost their lives in recent months, reporting news from Gaza. Journalists continue to face daily dangers covering the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as conflicts in Myanmar, Sudan, and other countries.

The EU expresses serious concern about the practice of denying independent media access to conflict zones as a means of controlling the information space and restricting public access to factual and objective materials.

At home, the EU has taken a significant step in this direction by adopting the European Law on Media Freedom. This landmark legislative act aims to strengthen editorial freedom, protect journalistic sources, and increase transparency in media ownership in the EU.

The European Union remains firmly committed to protecting media freedom and pluralism worldwide. By defending media freedom, we protect not only our right to know but also our ability to shape a future based on truth and accountability."