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Tajikistan Should Analyze Afghanistan's Political Situation Carefully

in Politics / Tajikistan - by

Neighboring countries of Afghanistan, especially Tajikistan, should carefully study and analyze the history of how this source of danger came to power and make serious decisions. This is an article by Farid Ahmadi, the chief editor of the "Sangar" website, which discusses the political situation in Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, which shares a long border with Tajikistan and has historical, cultural, linguistic, religious, and traditional commonalities, on August 15, 2021, as a result of a deal between major regional players and an unprecedented ethnic alliance, political power was handed over to the terrorist movement Taliban.

This situation cannot but raise concerns among Tajiks living in this country and among us, the Tajik people.

After twenty years of the presence of the armed forces of the United States and allied countries (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in Afghanistan to combat Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, finally on February 29, 2020, the US signed an agreement with the Taliban in Qatar, presented as the first step towards achieving peace among the people of Afghanistan.

According to available data, this agreement consisted of two parts: open and closed.

Key provisions in this agreement for the parties were as follows:

- Violence reduction. The parties agreed that violence would be temporarily reduced and that the ceasefire between the US, the Taliban, and Afghan forces would be a step towards the beginning of an agreement among the country's people.

- Withdrawal of American and foreign troops from Afghanistan. The US agreed to reduce its troop levels from 12,000 to 8,600 within 135 days. If the Taliban remains true to its commitments, then American military and other foreign armed forces will completely leave Afghanistan within 14 months. Although experts warned that a hasty withdrawal of troops could destabilize the situation.

The Taliban agreed to start talks with the Afghan government in March 2020. However, the Taliban refused to engage in direct talks with the Afghan government, calling this government a puppet or toy of the Americans.

- The Taliban - the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" will not allow risks or threats of terrorism against the US and allied countries from Afghan territory. After September 11, 2001, the US invaded Afghanistan to eliminate the threat of terrorism and terrorist activities, including from Al-Qaeda.