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Social Media Influencer and Associates Arrested for Damaging Road Sign

in Society / Uzbekistan - by

The press service of the Interior Ministry of the Bukhara region reported the arrest of Vayner Kholikjon Samadov, known as Holiqjon Vines on Instagram with 2.7 million followers, and his acquaintances. They staged a situation involving intentional damage to a road sign in Bukhara, recorded it on video, and shared it on social media.

According to the authorities, the influencers planned to start earning money themselves and stop relying on their father's financial support. They used a relative's car, a Nexia 2, to transport passengers as a taxi. In the video, the influencer driving the Nexia 2 nearly hit other participants before crashing into the road sign.

Following an investigation, the regional Interior Ministry impounded the vehicle. The four individuals involved in the filming were sentenced to 5 days of administrative arrest for minor hooliganism under Article 183. Meanwhile, Samadov received 7 days of arrest for violating various traffic regulations and causing damage to road infrastructure under multiple articles, including Article 183 for minor hooliganism.