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Uzbekistan Takes Steps Towards Green Future Through "Yashil Makon" Project

in Society / Uzbekistan - by

Under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a video conference meeting was held on March 29 to discuss the implementation of the "Yashil Makon" project and waste management improvement. The project aims to plant 125 million seedlings this spring, with work already underway in various regions to create parks and plant trees along roads. Progress in Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, and Namangan regions was highlighted as exemplary.

However, in most regions, land plots for tree planting have not been designated, and funds for irrigation and seedlings have not been allocated. In response, disciplinary measures were taken against 28 officials, including regional leaders, for their lack of commitment to greening initiatives.

The meeting emphasized the need for more initiative and educational efforts to promote mass tree planting. Various ministries have made progress in creating parks, but challenges remain in areas designated for energy and transport ministries. The importance of engaging government organizations, local councils, the Eco Party, and community groups in the tree planting process was stressed to create more green spaces.

The initiative in Tashkent region, inspired by South Korea, involves transferring land for 30 years for landscaping purposes. The initiative includes drip irrigation systems, land preparation for planting, and assigning caretakers for each tree. This successful model will be implemented nationwide.

Efforts to increase green spaces in new construction projects were discussed, with a mandate for a minimum of 30% of land to be allocated for tree planting. The Ministry of Construction was tasked with enforcing this regulation nationwide.

Plans were presented to create green zones near fields, industrial areas, and public parks. Free distribution of over 4 million seedlings to social institutions was announced to further promote tree planting initiatives.

Innovative waste management approaches were also discussed, including a new system where private partners will manage sanitation services in two districts per region. The success of this experiment could lead to its expansion to all districts and cities by 2025.

Improving waste collection services will also require better payment practices. A new system will allow neighborhoods to disregard unjust debts for unrendered services. Incentives will be introduced to encourage residents in apartment buildings to sort waste before disposal.

Overall, Uzbekistan is taking significant steps towards a greener and more sustainable future through the "Yashil Makon" project and innovative waste management strategies. The commitment to environmental preservation and community involvement is key to achieving a more eco-friendly society.