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Empowering Youth: Innovative Initiative Implemented in Five Cities of Uzbekistan

in Society / Uzbekistan - by

In five cities of Uzbekistan, the pilot initiative "Local Governance, Child, and Youth Friendly" (LCYF) has been successfully implemented. The project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Embassy of Switzerland, supported by UNICEF, aimed to ensure that local authorities make decisions advancing the interests of children and youth. The results of the project were presented in Tashkent on March 5th.

Local authorities in the five cities received technical support from national and international experts in planning outcome-oriented programs tailored to the needs of children and youth, particularly vulnerable groups. Youth advisory councils were established in the cities, acting as intermediaries in consultations between local authorities and over 10,000 children and youth through online platforms and face-to-face meetings.

An alternative format of meetings called "Khokim va Yoslar" ("Governor and Youth") was modeled to discuss social issues affecting all children and youth in these cities. In Tashkent, representatives of authorities and youth shared experiences on enhancing road safety, involving youth in environmental issues, and future IT professions.

The initiative yielded excellent results, with young people contributing to activities improving ecology, recreational conditions, and education for children. They advocated for better access and conditions for youth with disabilities. The project confirmed the potential for broader engagement of women and men at the local level, showcasing the path to more inclusive local governance as outlined in Uzbekistan's new Constitution.

The initiative's main achievement lies in local governments listening to the voices of children and youth, collaborating with them to implement changes in their cities, meeting the needs of the youth. This significant pilot project highlighted the potential for innovative initiatives driven by youth and paved the way for more inclusive local governance, aligning with Uzbekistan's new Constitution.