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Two Schools in Angren Introduce 'Phone-Free School' Initiative

in Society / Uzbekistan - by

In the general education schools No. 13 and No. 17 in the city of Angren, Tashkent region, the "School without a Phone" system has been implemented, as reported by the press service of the regional administration.

In February, at a meeting of the education council in Chirchik, the khokim of the Tashkent region, Zoyir Mirzaev, proposed that educational institutions in the region take such an initiative.

The khokim stated that with the agreement of parents, students, and teachers, it is necessary to prohibit the use of phones on the school premises.

The administration and the supervisory board of both schools held a meeting where the proposal to not use phones in school was unanimously approved. Children can bring their phones to school and leave them in a designated storage area.

The announcement notes that this decision is aimed at ensuring that students' attention is focused on acquiring knowledge.