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President Sadyr Japarov Addresses Dissatisfaction with Health Minister

in Corruption / Kyrgyzstan - by

President Sadyr Japarov addressed the concerns raised by Jogorku Kenesh deputies regarding Health Minister Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev. Japarov made it clear that the Minister is accountable for combating corruption and theft in the healthcare system, emphasizing the importance of eradicating corruption and ensuring favorable conditions for the people. He stressed that there will be no leniency towards those involved in corrupt practices. The President also warned of consequences related to alleged corruption during the reconstruction of the rehabilitation center at Issyk-Kul, highlighting the fundraising efforts for the center.

Regarding Deputy Jusupbek Korgonbay's accusations against the Health Minister, President Japarov asserted that individuals found guilty of corruption will face consequences. He mentioned investigating the Health Minister's property holdings in Dubai and Turkey up to 2020 and pledged to examine recent acquisitions. Japarov reaffirmed the government's dedication to combatting corruption and emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards corrupt ministers. He also acknowledged concerns about increased mortality rates in hospitals under the Minister's tenure, referencing cases of medical malpractice and negligence.

In response to Deputy Korgonbay's allegations, Health Minister Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev defended his actions by stating his commitment to providing medical assistance to all patients irrespective of their social status. Beyshenaliev dismissed the Deputy's claims as driven by personal ambitions for a ministerial role. The interactions between the President, deputies, and the Health Minister illustrate the government's ongoing efforts to uphold transparency, accountability, and combat corruption within the healthcare sector in Kyrgyzstan.