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Deputy Mandates in Kyrgyzstan: Reasons and Consequences

in Corruption / Kyrgyzstan - by

On the eve, Deputy Aibek Osmonov prematurely terminated his mandate, hinting at more departures from the Jogorku Kenesh. Over the past two years, 12 elected officials lost their mandates. Another, Adakhan Madumarov, has been under arrest for six months.

The presence of a higher education degree is a mandatory requirement for a member of parliament. Violation of this led to the mandates being revoked from Orozayym Narmatova, Farkhat Ismailov, and Farkhodbek Alimzhanov.

Orozayym Narmatova from the "Butun Kyrgyzstan" party sat in the deputy's chair for less than two weeks. On January 20, 2022, the Central Election Commission (CEC), based on information from the State Committee for National Security and the Ministry of Education, deprived Orozayym Narmatova of her mandate due to an illegally obtained higher education diploma. She did not challenge the CEC's decision. Former investigator Aigul Aidarova took her place in parliament.

In April 2022, the CEC received materials from the State Committee for National Security regarding the documents on higher education of two other deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh, Farkhat Ismailov (Ata Jurt Kyrgyzstan faction) and Farkhodbek Alimzhanov (Alliance). The CEC considered the issue a year later and revoked both mandates.

In July 2023, the CEC canceled the registration of Farkhodbek Alimzhanov based on the Ministry of Education's proposal to annul the exam results and revoke the diploma from Osh State University, as well as the master's degree he obtained at the Academy of Management under the President of Kyrgyzstan. It was noted that Alimzhanov's diploma was issued with serious violations. Aisuluu Mamashova replaced him in parliament.

Similar to Farkhodbek Alimzhanov, the CEC also made a decision regarding Farkhat Ismailov. According to the Ministry of Education and Science commission, he was not listed as a student at Kyrgyz National University during the years he indicated. His diploma in "Accounting and Audit" was deemed invalid, as well as the later obtained Master's degree in Law. Chynberdi Tolonov took the vacant deputy seat.

Former leader of the Ata Jurt Kyrgyzstan faction, Bakyt Torobaev, exchanged his mandate for a position in the Cabinet of Ministers in March 2022. He planned to work as a deputy until the end of his term but received an offer from the president, which he apparently could not refuse. Bakyt Torobaev became the Deputy Prime Minister.

In his place, former customs officer Abdybakhab Boronbaev became a parliamentarian, who later also lost his mandate. Altynbek Sulaimanov, the leader of the Alliance party, left parliament after just two months. In February 2022, he was appointed the plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the Issyk-Kul region. In August, it was reported that Sadyr Japarov had issued a warning to the plenipotentiary for shortcomings in implementing the President's Decree on urgent measures to protect Lake Issyk-Kul's ecology. In September, the official resigned.

Emil Zhamgyrchiev, a deputy from the Jogorku Kenesh, had his mandate terminated prematurely by the CEC in February of this year based on his application. Shortly before that, a criminal case was initiated against him for illegal border crossing. Learning about this and fearing imprisonment, Emil Zhamgyrchiev jumped out of the window of fellow parliamentarian Nilufar Alimzhanova's office on the second floor and escaped. However, he was soon detained and released after losing his mandate.

Deputy from the Lenin single-mandate district No. 26, Zhanibek Abirov, relinquished his mandate in March 2023 after a high-profile incident involving the beating of a State Committee for National Security employee. His colleague Farkhodbek Alimzhanov initially apologized for the actions, and Abirov himself was unavailable for comments for two days but later apologized to the victim. However, he still had to give up his mandate. New elections were announced in his district, in which Zhanibek Abirov also tried to participate, but the CEC did not allow him.

Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh began losing their mandates one after another after a story was released on the "Region TV" channel, owned by the head of the State Committee for National Security, Kamchybek Tashiev, about the connections of certain deputies with former customs officer Rayimbek Matraimov, convicted of corruption. The CEC prematurely terminated the mandates of Abdybakhab Boronbaev, Iskender Matraimov, Nurlan Rajabaliyev, and Aibek Osmonov.

Shailoobek Atazov made a statement due to the threat of losing his mandate. He claimed that the Prosecutor General Kurmankul Zulushev had been trying to prematurely terminate his mandate for two years due to his friendship with the corrupt customs officer.

Nadira Narmatova also admitted to connections with Rayimbek Matraimov but was not ready to relinquish her mandate.