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European Immunization Week to be Held in Kyrgyzstan with the Slogan "Protecting Generations"

in Healthcare / Kyrgyzstan - by

From April 22 to 28, European Immunization Week (EIW) will take place in Kyrgyzstan under the slogan "Protecting Generations." This was announced today at a press conference.

The main goal is to raise public awareness about the importance of immunization as one of the main preventive measures against infectious diseases.

Liviu Vedrasco, the representative of the World Health Organization in Kyrgyzstan, emphasized the contribution of vaccines to the health and well-being of everyone living in the WHO European Region today, including in Kyrgyzstan.

"Over the past 60 years, immunization has saved more children's lives than any other medical intervention. We have made significant progress in immunization thanks to the dedicated work of our healthcare workers, government support, and collaboration with partners. Together, we have expanded access to vaccines, reaching even the most remote and vulnerable populations. However, there is still much to achieve," he said.

Liviu Vedrasco noted that despite the progress made, there are still people who are not covered by immunization and thus remain unprotected. Vaccine hesitancy remains a concern and one of the reasons for the resurgence of measles. Therefore, efforts need to be intensified.

According to the Republican Center for Immunoprophylaxis, since the beginning of 2024, 8,029 cases of measles have been registered in Kyrgyzstan. Vaccination remains the most effective means of preventing the spread of measles and other diseases.

During the briefing, it was highlighted that together with other countries in the WHO European Region, Kyrgyzstan was certified as polio-free in 2002. In recent years, with the support of GAVI, WHO, and UNICEF, several new vaccines have been included in the National Immunization Schedule of Kyrgyzstan, including vaccines against human papillomavirus, pneumococcal, inactivated polio, and rotavirus.