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Minister of Health Updates Kazakhstan on "White Lung Syndrome" Situation

in Healthcare / Kazakhstan - by

Minister of Health Akmaral Alnazarova reported on June 11 at a briefing in the government whether the so-called "White Lung Syndrome" has reached Kazakhstan.

The head of the Ministry of Health noted that the new viral infection "White Lung Syndrome" is currently actively spreading in China. In addition, cases have been identified in the USA and Europe.

The main symptoms of the disease are a temperature of 39 degrees and a prolonged cough of up to three months.

"In comparison with the epidemic period of last year, we do not observe a surge in viral infections. Kazakhs have the opportunity to take a PCR test to understand which virus is present in the body. As for the disease, this issue is under daily control. There is a serious sanitary barrier at the country's entry points. Therefore, we cannot say that some new viral type of infection has appeared in Kazakhstan at the moment, it has not been recorded," said Akmaral Alnazarova.

In late November 2023, northern regions of China were hit by a massive epidemic of an unknown pneumonia. Extensive research by scientists led to the conclusion that the cause of the mass infection was super bacteria resistant to most types of antibiotics. The outbreak in China was called "White Lungs" because white spots were observed on lung X-rays of children suffering from pneumonia.