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Amnesty International Report Highlights Human Rights Violations in Kyrgyzstan

in National Security / Kyrgyzstan - by

The authorities in Kyrgyzstan have intensified their campaign to suppress all forms of public criticism and peaceful dissent, according to the annual report by the international human rights organization Amnesty International titled "Human Rights in the World," which assesses the situation in this area in 155 countries and territories, including Kyrgyzstan, for the year 2023.

The report highlights that journalists and activists who criticize the actions of the Kyrgyz authorities have faced arbitrary arrests, unjust persecution, and unfair judicial processes. Some activists have been subjected to conditions equivalent to torture or other forms of cruel treatment. Peaceful protesters have encountered serious restrictions.

As examples, human rights defenders cited the draft law "On Mass Media," the authorities' use of the Law "On Protection against Inaccurate (False) Information" for new restrictions on the activities of the media, the blocking of a website and the liquidation of one legal entity "Kloop Media," as well as the ban on rallies.

"Legislative initiatives aimed at affirming cultural traditions and regulating the activities of NGOs unjustifiably restricted the rights to freedom of expression and association, threatening to stifle the previously active civil society," the report emphasizes.

The report notes that women and girls with disabilities were at increased risk of sexual violence and did not have effective access to justice. They also faced intersecting discrimination based on gender identity and disability.

Overall, Amnesty International points out that international law is at a turning point amid egregious violations by governments and powerful corporations. The authorities of powerful states are willing to plunge humanity into an era where reliance on the rule of law at the international level is no longer guaranteed. Those most affected by this are the peaceful residents caught up in ongoing conflicts, forced to pay the heaviest price.

The rapid development of artificial intelligence may fuel manifestations of racism, discrimination, and societal divisions in this crucial year when elections are set to take place in many countries worldwide.

"The Amnesty International report paints a bleak picture of deeply concerning human rights abuses and numerous violations of international law. All of this is happening against the backdrop of deepening global inequality, the struggle of the world's largest powers for supremacy, and the worsening climate crisis," stated Amnesty International Secretary-General Agnes Callamard.