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Pavlodar Region Cracks Down on Illegal Labor Activities, Deports Foreigners

in National Security / Kazakhstan - by

In Pavlodar Region, the results of the operational and preventive event "Illegal-2024" were summed up. Within the framework of the event, the police identified 279 foreigners who violated the requirements of migration legislation.

According to the press service of the regional Department of Police, 30 of the detainees were deported from the country by court decision.

"A total of 123 foreigners and 36 employers were held accountable for engaging in illegal labor activities. Additionally, 109 citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan were sanctioned for failing to report the arrival of foreigners to them. The stay periods of 49 foreigners were shortened."

The Chief of the Migration Service of the Pavlodar Region Department of Police, Daulet Iskakov, highlighted the significance of the operation.

During the raids, the police also identified and detained another 14 foreigners. Seven of them were apprehended at a cardboard-ruberoid plant in one of the individual entrepreneurs' premises in the city of Pavlodar, working as unskilled laborers without the necessary permits.

Another seven illegal workers were detained at a construction site near one of the villages in the Pavlodar district.

Administrative protocols were drawn up against two individual entrepreneurs and 14 foreigners for violations of migration legislation in Kazakhstan and were sent to court for further proceedings.

Earlier, 30 foreigners were deported from the Zhambyl Region.