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Kazakhstan Extradites Suspect from Georgia for Financial Pyramid Scheme

in National Security / Kazakhstan - by

The General Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan has extradited a suspect from Georgia in connection to the creation and management of a financial pyramid. This information was reported on May 17, 2024, according to the agency's press service.

It was stated that in 2020, the criminal group he led organized the financial pyramid Plus Capital in the Mangystau region and illegally appropriated funds, movable and immovable property of over 600 depositors totaling more than three billion tenge.

"Some members of this criminal group have already been sentenced to various penalties, while the suspect went into hiding after committing the crime, leading to an international search warrant being issued."

It was also noted that in November 2023, he was detained in Georgia. Currently, the suspect is held in pre-trial detention in Aktau.

"The punishment for the committed crime includes imprisonment for a term of 7 to 12 years with confiscation of property, as well as a lifetime ban on holding certain positions."

On May 15, 2024, a Kazakh citizen was extradited from Turkey to face criminal charges of robbery, murder, and car theft. The suspect is now in pre-trial detention in Astana.