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Kyrgyzstan Initiates Field Research for New Border Checkpoint with China

in National Security / Kyrgyzstan - by

Kyrgyzstan has started field research to open a new checkpoint on the border with China, as reported by the government's press service.

It is noted that the route of the future construction of the Barakoon - Uchturfan - Aksu highway was examined at the site of the upcoming construction.

"Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Processing Industry Bakyt Torobaev held an interdepartmental meeting on-site with the participation of representatives of relevant state bodies and services to discuss issues related to the opening of the Bedel checkpoint on the Kyrgyz-Chinese border in the Issyk-Kul region," the statement said.

In particular, at the site of the upcoming checkpoint construction, a group of specialists "explored preliminary locations" for the Bedel checkpoint, as well as border and customs control points. Additionally, the route of the future construction of the Barakoon - Uchturfan - Aksu highway (Kyrgyzstan - China) and issues concerning "the construction of the corresponding infrastructure for the full-fledged operation of the specified facilities" were considered on-site.

The agreement to open another border checkpoint was reached in May 2023 during the visit of President Sadyr Japarov to China.

The total length of the Kyrgyz Republic and China border is approximately 850 kilometers. The main part of it runs through rugged mountain ranges and passes ranging from 3,500 to 4,500 meters above sea level. Due to the difficult terrain on the border of the two states, there are only two checkpoints.