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Insight into Tajikistan's Daily Life: Time and Budget Analysis Revealed

in News / Tajikistan - by

Tajikistan's presidential statistics agency has published the results of a study on the population's use of time and budget in the country.

It was found that during a day, the population of the republic aged 10 and older spends the most time on personal care - sleep, food, and personal hygiene.

In second place is household chores. On average, Tajikistan's residents spend 4 hours and 4 minutes or 17% of the day on household chores. Women spend 5 hours and 16 minutes a day on household chores, while men dedicate only 2 hours and 35 minutes to this activity.

1 hour and 37 minutes (6.8%) of the day is spent on media, with watching TV taking up 1 hour and 22 minutes, and reading books only 8 minutes a day.

Next is socializing and leisure - 1 hour and 20 minutes (5.6%).

Tajikistanis allocate 1 hour and 1 minute (4.3%) to public work, and 48 minutes (3.4%) to education.

The least amount of time is spent on sports and active activities - only 12 minutes a day (0.85%).

The study was conducted with the support of the World Bank.

It is worth noting that such research has not been conducted in Tajikistan before.

The study results are broken down by gender, age groups, type of settlement (urban/rural), level of education, and employment status. They serve as a comprehensive source of information for analysis in areas such as labor productivity (including women's work and their contribution to the economy), the construction of the national accounts system, as well as the organization and conduct of leisure activities as one of the indicators of well-being, among others.