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Deputy Demands Answers in Delayed Expertise for Asel Zhanarbek kyzy's Death

in News / Kyrgyzstan - by

During a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh, deputy Chingiz Aidarbekov announced that the results of the expertise in the case of the death of Asel Zhanarbek kyzy are still not ready.

"Her relatives came to me with a complaint. The police told them that they are waiting for the results of the expertise, but two months have passed, and they are still not available. Before her disappearance, the girl sent a message to her mother, stating that her husband should be blamed for her death," said the MP, requesting Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Erkebek Ashirkhojaev to take the case under personal control.

It is worth mentioning that on February 15, relatives applied to the Issyk-Ata District Department of Internal Affairs asking for help in finding 19-year-old Asel Zhanarbek kyzy. On that day, she left her home on Nekrasova Street in Kant and went missing. The girl's body was found on March 18 in the Bishkek City Clinical Hospital and sent to the morgue.

Relatives told that the reason for the girl's quarrel with her husband was an expensive phone that Asel Zhanarbek kyzy bought on credit and gave to her spouse. The husband sold the smartphone before the loan was repaid.