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Reconstructed Maternal and Child Health Center Opens in Mary City

in Healthcare / Turkmenistan - by

A fully reconstructed Velayat Maternal and Child Health Center has opened in the city of Mary in the southeast of the country, as reported by the online publication "TurkmenPortal".

The opening ceremony was attended by deputy chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of medical institutions, and representatives of public organizations. Children who have received treatment from the Charitable Foundation for the Care of Children in Need named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov were invited and received gifts on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Thanks to the Foundation's funds, the Center is equipped with two hemodialysis machines "Dialog+" (artificial kidney) from the German company B.Braun. The renovated Center consists of two buildings – one for women with 200 seats and one for children with 260 seats. It is equipped with ultrasound, X-ray, CT, ECG, EEG, and other modern diagnostic equipment. The maternity ward has 100 beds and 15 delivery rooms equipped with necessary technology.