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Investigation Reveals Cause of Death in Astana Court Case

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The ongoing court hearing in Astana regarding the criminal case of Kuandyk Bishimbayev saw a significant development today, April 4th. The lawyer representing the victim's side, Zhanna Urazbakhova, disclosed the cause of death of Saltanat Nukenova.

According to the information provided by Urazbakhova, she detailed the conclusions drawn from the forensic medical examination. She explained that Nukenova's death resulted from a closed cranial-cerebral injury, accompanied by an acute subdural hematoma in the right frontal-temporal-occipital region, leading to subsequent dislocation syndrome and herniation of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum.

The examination revealed no organic pathology in the brain vessels of Nukenova, ruling out malformations or aneurysms. The head trauma was determined to have resulted from multiple blunt force impacts primarily in the anterior-lateral directions, leading to severe health damage.

Furthermore, Urazbakhova highlighted the bodily injuries discovered during the forensic examination, which included fractures, bruises, and hematomas in various areas of Nukenova's body. The injuries were assessed to have been caused by repeated impacts with blunt objects, resulting in fatal consequences.

The lawyer also addressed the findings of the toxicological examination, indicating the presence of ethyl alcohol in Nukenova's blood and urine, with levels considered to have a minimal influence on her system. Additionally, no narcotics or psychotropic substances were detected in her body organs.

The court proceedings have been unfolding since March, with testimonies and evidence shedding light on the tragic events leading to Nukenova's death. The case has garnered significant attention due to the involvement of former Minister of National Economy, Kuandyk Bishimbayev, who faces serious charges related to the incident.

As the trial continues, the quest for justice and accountability remains at the forefront, with each revelation bringing clarity to the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking case.