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Kazakhstan Implements Amendments to Road Traffic Rules for Safer Streets

in News / Kazakhstan - by

The Administrative Police Committee has developed amendments to the Road Traffic Rules.

In particular, the changes concern the speed of movement in populated areas.

It is allowed to drive:

  • vehicles at a speed not exceeding 60 km/h, except for trucks, buses, and special modes of movement indicated by corresponding road signs, but not exceeding 90 km/h;
  • trucks, buses at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h;
  • vehicles in residential areas and courtyard territories at a speed not exceeding 20 km/h.

It is explained that road traffic accidents involving trucks significantly increase the severity of consequences. The introduction of this norm will help reduce the number of road traffic accidents involving trucks.

At the same time, the rule allowing entry into the bicycle lane, indicated by sign 4.5, when entering the road and for passenger boarding and alighting at the right edge of the roadway, has been excluded from the rules.

New Signs:

  • Sign 7.4.1 extends the effect of the sign to trucks, and sign 7.4.2 also to those with a trailer, with a permitted maximum weight of over 3.5 tons;
  • Sign 7.4.3 - to passenger cars, as well as trucks with a permitted maximum weight up to 3.5 tons;
  • Sign 7.4.8 - to vehicles equipped with "Dangerous Goods" identification signs;
  • 7.4.8a "Electric Cars". Indicates places for charging electric cars and hybrid vehicles capable of charging from an external source;
  • 7.4.8b - "Electric Scooter".
  • 7.4.8c - "Type of Public Transport Vehicle".

An addition is made that sign 7.4.14 does not extend the effect of the sign to vehicles used as a taxi.

Sign 7.4.15 does not extend the effect of the sign to electric scooters.

Sign 7.4.16 does not extend the effect of the sign to electric cars and hybrid vehicles capable of charging from an external source.

It is explained that the amendments are developed to improve and update the legislation in the field of road traffic, as well as to bring the order norms in line with the National Standard ST RK 1412-2017 "Technical Means of Road Traffic Regulation".

The document is posted on the Open Regulatory Legal Acts website for public discussion until May 14.

However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the order dated April 17, 2024, has already adopted some amendments to the Road Traffic Rules.

Thus, in populated areas, it is allowed to drive:

  • vehicles at a speed not exceeding 60 km/h, except for buses and special modes of movement indicated by corresponding road signs, but not exceeding 90 km/h;
  • buses at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h;
  • vehicles in residential areas and courtyard territories at a speed not exceeding 20 km/h.

Regardless of the radius, a U-turn is made provided that traffic safety is ensured and it does not obstruct other vehicles.

A deactivated green "+" shaped signal informs that the green light signal for oncoming traffic is active.

Earlier, it was reported that new road signs were approved in Kazakhstan. This concerns changes and additions to the National Standard ST RK 1412-2017 "Technical Means of Road Traffic Regulation", which will come into effect on May 1, 2024.