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Daulet Batyrbayev Resigns as Akim of Ridder: New Leadership Ahead

in News / Kazakhstan - by

According to reports, Daulet Batyrbayev has resigned from his position as the Akim of Ridder. The official announcement of his voluntary resignation was made on April 29th.

In his statement, Batyrbayev highlighted the achievements during his tenure, stating, "In a short period of time, we have accomplished a lot. We prevented a collapse in the city's heating system, initiated the construction of two new schools, successfully managed the spring exam for draining meltwater from residential areas and enterprises, relieved the tension in public transportation. We have also revitalized cultural and entertainment activities, as well as sports in the city," as reported by a local source.

He also acknowledged the criticism on social media, mentioning that it helped in identifying the city's pain points and addressing them promptly. "I sincerely hope and believe that the new leadership will be able to realize all the planned projects, making the lives of the city residents better and more positive," the former Akim added.

The acting Akim of Ridder is now Murat Bayzhumanov, who previously served as the deputy Akim. Daulet Batyrbayev was appointed as the Akim of Ridder in August 2023.