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Courtroom Pleas for Justice: Brother Appeals in Astana Murder Trial

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May 2, 2024 marked the beginning of the court debates in the Specialized Interdistrict Criminal Court of Astana in the case of Kuandyk Bishimbaev. The brother of Saltanat Nukenova, Aitbek Amangeldey, addressed the jury, appealing for justice.

Aitbek Amangeldey urged the jury and the court to envision a family that had endured numerous challenging life situations, worked for many years to secure their future and that of their children: providing them with education and a better life.

"In a family where members communicate, solve issues, and stand by each other, they overcome all hardships. In such a typical Kazakh family, Saltanat grew up. She was our little princess. We were not always the best of friends... No matter what happened or where we were, we always supported and helped each other. We discussed the future, parents, personal emotions, friends, and life in general, without exceptions," shared Saltanat Nukenova's brother.

He also revealed Nukenova's dream of becoming a mother in the future, always paying special attention to children. Her godparents still send her voice messages and video calls, despite knowing what happened.

"In the courtroom, you see that lies are the tools of the criminal and his circle. We have gathered here to determine the true truth of what happened on November 8 and 9. During the main trial, we have seen all the scientific and evidential basis. We have even seen with our own eyes what happened, on video. From the very first day, from his first word, everything the defendant does tarnishes Saltanat's memory, and accuses me, the whole world. Everyone is to blame except them," stated Aitbek Amangeldey.

He recounted how initially Bishimbaev was seen as educated, intelligent, and an intellectual young man.

"That's how Saltanat saw him before marriage. He was a completely different person. He complained that he had undergone severe trials in this life, deserved sympathy, support, and all trials were unfairly bestowed upon him. We made a mistake - we believed him. Do not repeat our mistake. Throughout the trial, you have seen his true colors," reminded Aitbek Amangeldey.

He also pointed out the change in Bishimbaev's demeanor during the trial.

"When he speaks to the court, how he talks to his defense, whom he obviously does not even respect, how he changes his expression when questioned by the female lawyers from our side. We demand justice and fair punishment for Saltanat. Also, we do not wish for anyone to be in our shoes and go through our path," said Aitbek Amangeldey.

Saltanat's brother also emphasized that on that day (November 8), Saltanat wanted to leave Bishimbaev, but could not because he did not let her go.

"Baijanov may evoke pity and sympathy, but please do not be deceived. Together, they took my sister away. Moreover, they simulated resuscitation on Saltanat's cold body, knowing she was dead - it was simply mockery of her. These were not attempts to help," voiced Aitbek Amangeldey.

Earlier, the court announced the conclusion of the judicial investigation and transition to the arguments of the parties. Prosecutor Aizhan Aimaghanova presented the prosecution's position.

At the previous session on April 29, 2024, the court debates in the case of Kuandyk Bishimbaev did not start on time - the defendants did not appear in court due to some issues with the convoy service. As a result, instead of 10:00, the debates were rescheduled for 14:30. Returning from the break, the state prosecutor Sayakhat Nurbekov before the start of the debates requested to resume the judicial investigation to file a motion regarding the qualification of the accusation against the second defendant, Bakhytzhan Baijanov.