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Rampant Violations Uncovered in Mangistau Construction Sites - Legal Actions Ensue

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In Mangistau, after 55 unscheduled inspections of construction sites, numerous violations have been identified, according to the press service of the regional akimat.

It was noted that due to particularly serious violations of legislation and construction norms, 35 lawsuits have been filed, 33 of which have been satisfied, and the rest are under consideration. Five buildings have been demolished since 2023. The remaining properties are in line for demolition based on court decisions.

The head of the State Architectural and Construction Control Department of the region clarified that measures were taken in 2023 to combat illegal constructions.

  • Licenses for construction and installation works were revoked from six construction companies.
  • Five companies voluntarily surrendered their licenses.
  • Accreditation of a technical supervision institution was also revoked.
  • The validity of the attestation of two technical supervision experts was suspended for six months.
  • Court decision was made for the demolition of four commercial properties.

Akim of the region Nurlan Nogaev added that illegal constructions not only spoil the architectural appearance of the city but also pose a threat to its residents, as they are often built in violation of construction norms and rules.

On May 6, 2024, it was reported that by court order, catering facilities and a shop in Almaty were slated for demolition. Following an unscheduled inspection of buildings located at 88 Turkebayev Street, it was found that the extension was erected without the necessary permits.