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Akim of Aktobe region assures safety after major floods

in National Security / Kazakhstan - by

The Akim of the Aktobe region, Askhat Shakharov, made a statement on February 11 regarding the most extensive floods in the last 80 years. According to him, the danger has passed.

In his video address, he stated, "The situation in the region is stable. The danger has passed. We are gradually returning to normal life. The only area at risk is the Irgiz district, where water is coming from the Kostanay region. Currently, the akimat and the department for emergency situations have mobilized additional equipment to strengthen the dams in the villages of Nura and Mamyr due to the rising water levels in the Torgai River. Local residents have been relocated to a safe place," said Askhat Shakharov.

He emphasized that all affected individuals will receive support in rebuilding their homes and compensation for the damage incurred. "I particularly want to highlight how the residents of the region came together in our common disaster. Rescuers, police, military, hydroengineers, doctors, volunteers, and thousands of citizens who showed courage in saving people, livestock, and citizens' property. I thank everyone for their coordinated and effective work," added the Akim.

According to him, authorities in the region have already begun restoring order. "We are already repairing roads, bridges. Soon we will start rebuilding residential homes. We have announced cleanup campaigns to quickly clear our city and settlements of debris. Together, within two months, we will restore the previous appearance to our beloved region," stated Askhat Shakharov.

Earlier, it was reported that in the Aktobe region, due to the threat of flooding, the evacuation of people from the village of Mamyr had begun. For more news on the most extensive floods in Kazakhstan in the last 80 years, you can follow the relevant sources.