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Ministry of Natural Resources works on expanding network of protected natural areas

in News / Kyrgyzstan - by

The Ministry of Natural Resources is focused on expanding the network of specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) to reach 10 percent of the country's total area. Currently, the existing network covers 7.38 percent of the land and includes 10 state nature reserves, 13 state nature parks, and 64 wildlife reserves, among other sites such as the Enver Gareyev Botanical Garden and the zoo in Karakol.

Recent initiatives to enhance the SPNA network include the establishment of the "Madygen" nature monument spanning 8,160 hectares and the creation of the "Chatkal" ecological corridor covering 64,105 hectares. Plans are also in place to establish the Chon-Alai State Nature Park in the Osh region, which will encompass 67,000 hectares. Additionally, there are upcoming efforts to set up the Arka State Nature Park in the Batken region, which is expected to increase the total area by 118,147 hectares.