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Tragic Incident at Manaschi Competition Leaves 34 Injured in Zherge-Tal Village

in News / Kyrgyzstan - by

In the village of Zherge-Tal, a tragic incident occurred during a competition for young manaschi, resulting in 34 people being injured. The Minister of Health, Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev, reported this to the relevant authorities.

Upon arriving at the scene the evening before, Beyshenaliev conducted a round of the patients. Four of the injured are currently being treated at the Suzak District Hospital, with diagnoses ranging from concussion to a leg bone fracture. Another four are receiving care at the October General Practice Center, while 11 are admitted to the Jalal-Abad Children's Clinical Hospital, and one at the regional adult hospital. Five children are in the intensive care unit, two have undergone surgery for liver and spleen ruptures, and they are conscious and stable. The condition of the three previously critical patients is now stable.

Furthermore, Beyshenaliev mentioned that another child is scheduled for surgery today for a skull trepanation. He emphasized the presence of neurosurgeons, traumatologists, and surgeons, conducting consultations and ensuring an adequate supply of medications, all under control.

Among the injured is a female teacher born in 1988, who was inside a yurt at the time of the truck's collision.

Beyshenaliev highlighted that they have met with the relatives of the victims and teachers, engaging in discussions to provide comfort and reassurance during this difficult time. He assured that all necessary measures are being taken.

The tragic conclusion unfolded during the young manaschi competition in Zherge-Tal village, Suzak District, Jalal-Abad Region. The event took place during the dzhailoo, where schoolchildren were reciting excerpts from the epic "Manas." The gathering of teenagers was struck by a vehicle during the recitation, resulting in this unfortunate incident. The driver has been detained.