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UNDP and Uzbekistan's Ministries of Economy and Finance launch the second phase of a project aimed at comprehensive rural development, funded by the Islamic Development Bank, as announced by the UNDP in Uzbekistan.

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The second phase involves the construction and major renovation of social infrastructure facilities in 157 mahallas in 21 districts of the Samarkand, Kashkadarya, and Surkhandarya regions from 2024 to 2028, with a project budget of $293.5 million. The project aims to improve the living standards of rural residents by enhancing road and transport infrastructure, engineering networks, power supply systems, and the use of resource-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies in the construction and reconstruction of social facilities such as kindergartens, schools, and rural clinics.

Furthermore, the project plans to expand opportunities and strengthen the potential of local communities, architects, engineers, and local authorities in developing and implementing rural development plans using suitable green, energy-efficient, and digital solutions.

It is expected that this project will empower communities to identify their development priorities and needs through the formulation of community development plans, which will serve as the basis for the implementation of construction and investment projects. The project aims to enhance the living conditions of over 622,000 rural residents upon its completion.

The first phase of the project, which has been ongoing since 2022, shares similar objectives and involves the construction and renovation of facilities in remote villages to improve the quality of life for rural populations in 170 mahallas across 20 target districts in Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Bukhara, and Navoi regions, as well as enhancing the population's professional qualifications. Currently, with active participation from the local population, 900 sub-projects have been selected for construction or reconstruction between 2024 and 2025.