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Legal Battle Unfolds in Tashkent Court Over Spinal Injury Incident

in News / Uzbekistan - by

In the Yunusabad District Criminal Court of Tashkent, the third hearing in the case of Dmitry Sattarov took place on April 26. In December, a 40-year-old passerby, G. R., broke his spine while walking his dog, believing that the 18-year-old boy's dog showed aggression towards his child.

According to our correspondent, at the latest court hearing, the young man, who cannot stand due to the injury, once again participated in the proceedings from home via video link through Telegram.

At the beginning of the hearing, the prosecutor read out the charges against both defendants. G. R. is charged under article 105 part 2 paragraph "g" (intentional moderate bodily harm inflicted with particular cruelty) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. According to the forensic medical examination, Dmitry Sattarov was found to have "a closed spinal injury, a closed compression fracture of the first lumbar vertebra without impairment of spinal cord function, contusion of the left eye's orbital part, and subcutaneous hematoma."

Dmitry Sattarov is also accused under article 109 part 2 of the Criminal Code (intentional minor bodily harm resulting in a brief disruption of health lasting more than 6, but not more than 21 days, or minor persistent loss of ability to work in the absence of signs of a crime). According to the documents, G. R. sustained "bodily injuries in the nose area in the form of a torn wound, a closed fracture of the nasal bones."

After the prosecutor read out the charges, the judge asked the defendants if they pleaded guilty. Dmitry Sattarov answered negatively, while G. R. said, "I admit partially."

The young man's lawyer, Victoria Shmarkovskaya, filed a motion requesting technical support to establish communication with her client during the hearings. In her statement, she mentioned that during the video call via the laptop placed on the judge's desk, Dmitry Sattarov can only hear and see the presiding judge. He cannot see or hear his lawyers and other participants in the process. Moreover, besides the judge, no one can see Dmitry Sattarov.

Due to the motion, the court postponed the next hearing to Monday, April 29. The presiding judge stated that if the court fails to provide audio and video communication for Dmitry Sattarov with the courtroom, the hearings will be conducted in an out-of-court format at the young man's home.

Recall that during the previous hearing, requests were submitted on behalf of Dmitry Sattarov for a review of the severity of the injuries from moderate to severe, for a repeat forensic medical examination, for the termination of the criminal case against Dmitry Sattarov and the suspension of the proceedings until his recovery, as well as for the audio and video recording of the hearings and the identification of witnesses. The court only approved the request to summon E. A. as a witness and allowed audio recording of the hearings.